Final Score


Sunday, October 15, 2017, 1:00 PM

M7 - Hockey Experts



1 girl goal = 2 goals

Scoring Summary

1st period
01:19 BET Antoine Blais (17) : Unassisted
04:09 STA Simon Naud (6) : Eric Orichefsky (5)
07:35 BET Cedric Dube (16) : Manuel Dionne (4)
2nd period
00:15 BET Cedric Dube (17) : Antoine Blais (7)
01:09 BET Cedric Dube (18) : Antoine Blais (8)
07:36 STA Simon Naud (7) : Unassisted
08:38 STA Alain Larochelle (3) : Bélinda Villeneuve (3)
14:21 STA Eric Orichefsky (11) : Simon Naud (3)
3rd period
02:22 BET Cedric Dube (19) : Unassisted
07:05 BET Raphael Dionne (3) : Antoine Blais (9)
07:36 BET Antoine Blais (18) : Cedric Dube (6)
08:47 BET Cedric Dube (20) : Antoine Blais (10)
11:14 BET PP Vincent Daviau-Dubuc (3) : Raphael Dionne (4)
12:08 BET Cedric Dube (21) : Antoine Blais (11)

Penalty Summary

1st period
11:40 STA Yves Chagnon - Holding
2nd period
No Penalty
3rd period
01:39 STA Yves Chagnon - Diving
01:39 BET Léonie Perron - Tripping
06:31 BET G. MISC Manuel Dionne - Game Misconduct
06:31 STA G. MISC Eric Orichefsky - Game Misconduct
09:40 STA Yves Chagnon - Unsportsmanlike conduct
09:41 STA G. MISC Yves Chagnon - Game Misconduct

Statistics Bétonel


# Player Reg. Lvl POS G A PTS PEN PIM
7 Antoine Blais C2 FWD 2 5 7 0 0
12 Cedric Dube D FWD 6 1 7 0 0
21 Katherine Gosselin F6 FWD 0 0 0 0 0
4 Léonie Perron F6 FWD 0 0 0 1 2
25 Manuel Dionne D FWD 0 1 1 1 10
0 Marika Audy F6 FWD 0 0 0 0 0
48 Raphael Dionne D FWD 1 1 2 0 0
68 Vincent Daviau-Dubuc D FWD 1 0 1 0 0
100 Anthony Delarosbil D-G G 0 0 0 0 0


# Goalie Lvl 1st 2nd 3rd Saves-Shots SV% TOI
100 Anthony Delarosbil (W) D-G 10 - 11 12 - 15 11 - 11 33 - 37 0.892 45

Statistics Sports Trans-Action


# Player Reg. Lvl POS G A PTS PEN PIM
28 Alain Larochelle D FWD 1 0 1 0 0
10 Bélinda Villeneuve F5 NONE 0 1 1 0 0
6 Chantal Pomerleau F5 (F5) NONE 0 0 0 0 0
39 Claudine Létourneau F5 NONE 0 0 0 0 0
47 Eric Orichefsky D FWD 1 1 2 1 10
22 Simon Naud D FWD 2 1 3 0 0
29 Yves Chagnon D FWD 0 0 0 4 16
0 Mathieu Larrivee D-G G 0 0 0 0 0


# Goalie Lvl 1st 2nd 3rd Saves-Shots SV% TOI
0 Mathieu Larrivee (L) D-G 14 - 16 16 - 18 15 - 21 45 - 55 0.818 45

R = Regular Player
M = Minimum games played (belongs to the team)

Score Line

FINAL 1st 2nd 3rd T
Bétonel 2 2 6 10
Sports Trans-Action 1 3 0 4

Stars of the game

BET Cedric Dube
BET Antoine Blais
STA Mathieu Larrivee

Team Stats

Category Bétonel Sports Trans-Action
Power Plays 1/5 0/2
Hits 0 0
Faceoff Wins 0 0
Giveaways 0 0
Takeaways 0 0
Missed Shots 0 0
Blocked Shots 0 0
Penalty Minutes 12 26


Period Bétonel Sports Trans-Action
First 16 11
Second 18 15
Third 21 11
Total 55 37