Final Score


Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 7:45 PM

H10 - Dek Louiseville



Scoring Summary

1st period
00:13 TBR Jonathan St-Pierre (9) : Dave Michaud (9)
00:42 TBR Dave Michaud (10) : Jonathan St-Pierre (9)
01:38 TBR Michael Philibert (7) : Marco Lacasse (7)
06:10 PM SH Cedric Bouchard (3) : Unassisted
10:42 PM PP Vincent St-Cyr (10) : Francis Deziel (2)
2nd period
03:19 PM Anthony Lafrenière (12) : Cedric Bouchard (9)
04:15 PM Cedric Bouchard (4) : Anthony Lafrenière (4)
06:19 TBR Dave Michaud (11) : Antoine Gravel (2)
3rd period
06:42 PM PP Kevin Plourde (6) : Vincent St-Cyr (7)
09:13 TBR Dave Michaud (12) : Antoine Gravel (3)
PM Anthony Lafrenière


Player Goalie Result
PM Anthony Lafrenière vs Francis De Carufel Goal

Penalty Summary

1st period
04:29 PM DM Kevin Plourde - Roughing
08:10 PM DM Jean-Christophe Gelinas - Tripping
10:05 TBR DM Jonathan St-Pierre - Slashing
2nd period
00:55 TBR Antoine Gravel - Balle toucher plus haut que hauteur permise
01:14 PM DM Vincent St-Cyr - Roughing
01:14 TBR DM Jonathan St-Pierre - Roughing
03:06 PM DM Jean-Christophe Gelinas - Roughing
03:06 TBR DM Antoine Gravel - Roughing
10:32 PM DM Kevin Plourde - Hooking
3rd period
05:13 TBR DM Dave Michaud - Roughing
05:13 TBR DM Dave Michaud - Slashing
10:40 TBR MAJ Frederic Vertefeuille - Conduite anti-sportive-majeur
10:40 TBR DM Antoine Gravel - Roughing

Statistics Techni-Bois Rb


# Player Reg. Lvl POS G A PTS PEN PIM
4 Antoine Gravel M H10 FWD 0 2 2 3 5
72 Dave Michaud RM H9 FWD 3 1 4 2 4
22 Frederic Vertefeuille RM H11 D 0 0 0 1 5
88 Jonathan St-Pierre M H10 FWD, D 1 1 2 2 4
13 Marco Lacasse RM H11 FWD 0 1 1 0 0
27 Michael Philibert RM H12 FWD 1 0 1 0 0
48 Pier-Olivier Gagnon RM H12 D 0 0 0 0 0
1 Francis De Carufel RM H10 G 0 0 0 0 0


# Goalie Lvl 1st 2nd 3rd Saves-Shots SV% TOI
1 Francis De Carufel (L) H10 4 - 6 0 - 2 0 - 1 4 - 9 0.444 39

Statistics Plomberie Mauricie


# Player Reg. Lvl POS G A PTS PEN PIM
4 Anthony Frappier RM H11 FWD 0 0 0 0 0
0 Anthony Lafrenière RM H9 FWD 1 1 2 0 0
88 Cedric Bouchard RM H11 FWD 2 1 3 0 0
22 Francis Deziel RM H12 FWD 0 1 1 0 0
91 Jean-Christophe Gelinas RM H11 FWD 0 0 0 2 4
97 Kevin Plourde RM H12 FWD 1 0 1 2 4
12 Vincent St-Cyr RM H9 FWD 1 1 2 1 2
31 Benoit Lamarre RM H10 G 0 0 0 0 0


# Goalie Lvl 1st 2nd 3rd Saves-Shots SV% TOI
31 Benoit Lamarre H10 5 - 8 0 - 1 0 - 1 5 - 10 0.500 39

R = Regular Player
M = Minimum games played (belongs to the team)

Score Line

FINAL 1st 2nd 3rd T
Techni-Bois Rb 3 1 1 5
Plomberie Mauricie 2 2 1 6

Score Points

Techni-Bois Rb Plomberie Mauricie
Game 1 3
1st period 2 0
2nd period 0 2
3rd period 1 1
Minor Penalties 0 0
Major Penalites 0 3
Player(s) without picture 0 0
Total 4 9

Stars of the game

Team Stats

Category Techni-Bois Rb Plomberie Mauricie
Power Plays 0/3 2/6
Hits 0 0
Faceoff Wins 0 0
Giveaways 0 0
Takeaways 0 0
Missed Shots 0 0
Blocked Shots 0 0
Penalty Minutes 18 10


Period Techni-Bois Rb Plomberie Mauricie
First 8 6
Second 1 2
Third 1 1
Total 10 9