Darryl Wass
Rabid Habs
Why – Even This Season – I Still Love The Habs
Everybody grieves in their own way. Some people become sad, some angry. As Habs fans we can add irrational to that list. With the Canadiens season already in the grave, we are just waiting for the dirt to be laid. While it is true that mathematically there is still a chance they could make the playoffs, we know better, right?
Habs management doesn’t seem to have a solution, or are not bothering with one as long as Carey Price is out of action. We – as fans – have our opinions on what should be done. Some make sense while others are outrageous. Then there are some fans who spew venom towards a team that, during good times, is adored by us all.
Now I’m not judging anyone for having an opinion, whether I agree with them or not. I think it’s great to see so much passion and discussion. What I can’t accept is when that passion turns to hatred. Like many of you I’m sure, my father brought me up to love the logo and what it represented. Stories of the legendary teams and the legendary players who helped make the CH a symbol of greatness, were abundance in my house.
Those stories started what became a lifetime love affair with the most storied franchise in hockey. I don’t have a “second team.” When the Habs are out, so am I. From time to time I may say I won’t watch the next game after a tough loss, but in reality I know I will be pulling on that jersey for the next one.
Growing up in the Toronto market, I was fortunate to have my father steer me in the right direction. When he passed away he was laid to rest in full Habs gear, something he made sure we knew he wanted.
My first game the Bell Centre was euphoric, and I couldn’t help but wonder if my dad was rubbing elbows with the ghosts. As I sat there staring in awe at the retired numbers and Stanley Cup banners, I thought about how lucky I am to be a fan of this franchise. As the seats filled in and the excitement grew, I realized how important the fans are to the mystique of this franchise.
The marriage between the Habs and their fans is something unrivaled in any other market. Over the years there have been great seasons, bad seasons, and then there is this season. I won’t lie, it’s been a hard one to watch, if not mind boggling.
Through it all though, I still love our Habs like a family member. Sure it’s that family member that at times drives you crazy, but in the end is an important part of your life. While other fan bases are making their jokes and knocking our team, we need to be the ones who believe. It should be us, team and fans, against the world. Our passion for the Habs should prevent us from joining in on the Canadiens bashing.
Whether or not we like every player, the GM or the coaching staff shouldn’t matter. This is our franchise, the same one that has won 24 Stanley Cups. The same team that has seen seen legends from Maurice Richard to Patrick Roy, all the way to future legend Carey Price. Players and management change over the years, but the CH always remains. We are the team that other fans love to see lose. We get enough hate from the rest of the hockey world, our team doesn’t need it from us. Let our team know we are still here, we are behind them win or lose. Criticize, but never hate and never turn your back on a team that has brought so much joy to our lives. So please, love the logo, that beautiful CH that has been with us since the beginning. The logo that unites Habs fans from every corner of the world. The logo that will still be there long after the Subbans and the Prices take their own place among the legends. Love the logo through the good times and especially through times like this, when the love is most needed. Love the logo because even after the jersey comes off, the CH is still embedded in the soul.
By Darryl Wass
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