Kukla's Korner
The Human Factor
I don’t want to freak out anyone reading this but I am a human being. I am not a robot (or *bot* for you kids out there). I don’t have strings. I don’t get paid for my opinion although, in my opinion, I should. I am also a human male. Which, in general, means that if I am sitting in any kind of bar drinking any kind of ginger ale, I am watching the TV, commenting on any sport that is showing. For example, I was in Birmingham Michigan yesterday at a bar. I knew that the Red Wings were in Dallas and the Tigers were in Lakeland and the Lions were losing and the Pistons were playing a game soon. So I wasn’t looking around for Justin Verlander or Z. I was watching Golf and College Basketball. I like College Basketball but I have no emotional investment in any team that doesn’t have the word Michigan in it. And Golf? That’s the thing where they hit something and then walk after it right? But I watched it and I got into it. There was one drive where it landed near a bunch of people and this (I’m assuming) drunk girl tried to get the ball and was choke slammed into the green. Which actually means some polite lady asked her to back up a little.
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