Kukla's Korner
Failure At The News
Don't think for a second that this is the first sign of abject, absolute decay at the Detroit News, but it's the one that will affect us the most. Smart guys saw it happening years ago and got out. I know that for a fact. The Detroit News is dead and nearly buried. The newsroom is a ghost town. Their beat writers offer nothing more than an AP report. Wojo is the only name left, only because John Niyo's name isn't known the way it should be. He's awesome.
But the blow to our collective gut is the move of Gregg Krupa from the Wings (and motor sports and a few other ditties) to...metro.
Keep in mind what this means: there will be exactly zero original thought on any sort of consistent basis from any Wing deep digger. None. Khan(!)? No. Kulfan? No. St. James? Please. No.
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