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Paul Kukla Kukla's Korner

Published on Monday, March 30, 2020





A Sports Czar?

from Damien Cox of the Toronto Star,

It could be a heckuva job for somebody. Or a few people.

An absolutely enormous task, to be sure. But a necessary one, quite probably.

As we imagine how North American sports are possibly going to get themselves back on track with their respective seasons, it seems abundantly clear that if they attempt to do so solely by following their own individual plans it’s going to create one spectacular logistical and scheduling nightmare.

That means that instead of recouping lost dollars from the current suspension of play due to the coronavirus crisis, these teams could end up hurting each other even more by furiously competing for the same sports entertainment dollar in a severely compacted schedule.

Wouldn’t it make a lot more sense for these sports to work together to ensure maximum profitability for one and all? And couldn’t they get together and nominate an individual or individuals to work as a central office to help North American sports get rolling again in a logical manner?


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